Luca Trazzi’s Kochu
Situated in the famed Cortile d’Onore at Milan’s State University, Luca Trazzi’s Kochu tower, displayed at the 2017 Fuorisalone, articulated what it’s like to experience architecture—both the material and immaterial qualities of observing a space—with a graceful application of B+N Industries’ Fortina. Using 1,160 Fortina louvers measuring three meters in length, Trazzi covered one side of the louvers with five different wood films. He then twisted each Fortina louver, creating an optical illusion of interrupted and sometimes fully disappeared walls that spanned the full 12 meters of the installation. The total effect is a clever play of embodied chiaroscuro and a not-so-subtle reminder of that liminal space between beauty and function that architecture inhabits.
Product(s) in use
Luca Trazzi
Milan Italy
Luca Trazzi